Hope you like the video! Let me know what you think and send in those photos! :)
TRANSCRIPT OF VIDEO BLOG (Hopefully this will help internationally!):
Hey everybody! Um...I am trying out a little bit of a video blog to try and change things up a little bit. My idea is that we can all post our favorite Ingrid pictures um and I'm about to show you two of mine. Gordon Parks did a photo shoot when Ingrid went to Stromboli to film with Roberto Rossellini in 1949 and there's a very haunting picture that appeared in Life Magazine and it's my all time favorite Ingrid Bergman picture; photograph. So--here it is.
Cue Picture: Music "Ingrid Bergman"
And my second favorite is a picture of her drinking champaign and she just looks like she's having a complete, fantastic, amazing time hanging out with people and just, I feel like it really shows who she might have really been. Um..I don't know her so I can't say. I'm sure we all wish we really had. So I'd like you to post your favorite Ingrid Bergman pictures and um.. either link them to the comments or put them on, like, twitpic or flickr. or anywhere! And just link them to the comments page. I will post them and maybe put together some sort of collage or just a post that we can all agree on or disagree on. It should be interesting and feel free to be creative! If you want to send in fan art, or um... paintings and photos that you've done or um... or just a favorite video, that's fine too! Just send in, basically, you're favorite Ingrid Bergman thing. A dress that she wore, a favorite movie. Just make it a photograph so we can all see it. And you know, feel free, if you don't like this idea, if you don't like me video blogging, let me know and I'll stop or let me know that you like it and I'll keep going and maybe we could even have some sort of discussion.